Thursday 24 September 2009

theres a handful of people that i hold close to my heart, and it's getting less and less constantly.
i don't know how alot of them feel about me anymore. It really gets to me.
then there are other cases when i know exactly how they feel and i don't want to believe it.
when friends turn to aquaintances, when the ones you've loved turn to strangers, it gets you down.
i'm in a positive mindset, but its something thats on my mind lately.
i've met so many new people over the last few weeks, it's amazing how quickly friendships have been made and how close everyone seems already, however i still miss my other friends.
at times i hate emotions, i hate humanity, i truly do.
Tonight i realised how much i love one of my closest friends, sometimes its odd how something you think would push you apart, brings you closer.
This post is all over the place but oh well, just need to vent a tad.
I also came to the conclusion yesterday that i have changed, i'm glad. I don't care what you all think of me, im happy with who i am, i'm proud of the person i've become.
I also realised, i don't need a certain someone in a certain way, i was a fool for being so stupid. Your a liar, a player and a user. You said it, friends, and thats how it will always be regardless of what happens in the future, that was your last chance.
I realised that i want to be a photographer, it's what i want to do, i've got determination, i will do it.
I realised that stupid little girls that make up rumours don't deserve my time.
I realised that i need to stop letting myself get into a position where i'm messed around.
I realised that i need to start working hard and get organised & responsible.
I realised alot basically.

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Hannah Louise Saunders, Peterborough.