Thursday 20 May 2010

there is probably no actual point to this, but i'm enjoying wasting my time.

Monday 12 April 2010

even more broke than i was before. great.

fuck money, i wish it didnt exist.

Sunday 11 April 2010

i hate my job, the people that i work with are lovely but the corporation that i am working for, i despise. i have been working there since october now and i hate myself for it. i feel as if i am a hypocrite, a walking contradiction. i try to make a difference there, encourage them to recycle and be more considerate and open minded, but nothing works. in a way i want to stay there and try make them change but i know they won't, they are too concerned about money to care about the damage they do to the earth. so my search for a new job begins tommorow,  i hope i can find somewhere else, somewhere that isn't soul destroing perhaps. also, on the subject, when i find a new job (if i find a new job) i am going to attempt to give up eggs, milk, etc. i want to be free of guilt and work somewhere that is productive, not destructive.
it's strange how we only really realise how good things are, when they are gone.
i spend so much of my time looking back at the past and thinking how i wish i'd just relaxed and enjoyed myself.
i was laying in bed with a friend on wednesday and he showed me this little postsecret book, one of the postcards said something that made me think all this. i want to be able to look back on my life and think i made the most of every day.

Friday 2 April 2010

i'm happy for you, i'm jealous of you
time and age are not real, they simply enable us to measure how long we have left until we die.

Monday 29 March 2010

the reason we fucking argue is because you cause the arguements, are you stupid or something?
The feeling of loneliness sets in once more, I'm past the point of wanting somebody, I' m at the point where I need somebody.

Saturday 27 March 2010


i get this big smile on my face and this crazy feeling inside, this is always a bad sign.

Tuesday 9 March 2010

i wish i was a crow so i could just fly away...

...i feel rather miserable and lonely. it's one of those days where you just feel like you're going to break down and cry. or is that just me?

Wednesday 10 February 2010

Sunday 31 January 2010

you know things arent right when

A jls song makes you question if you made the right decision, oh man.

Friday 29 January 2010



i hope it doesnt rain today, i havent got an umbrella

I'm shivering a little, the coach is rather cold all of a sudden. Sometimes I wish that I could stay on a bus all day long and watch the birds fly past the window and the trees and fields pass by.

Sunday 24 January 2010


i feel pretty awful.

Saturday 23 January 2010

Sometimes I put my head under the water in the bath, and wish I could swim away...
take me away to a unexplored uninhabited island

Friday 22 January 2010

My own insecurities have me becoming more distant from the world every day

Thursday 21 January 2010

On the bus to college, it takes me an hour so I thought I would start making use of this time. Its raining outside. I tend to ignore everyone else on these journeys, put on my music and stare out the window. We have a new bus driver and he keeps slamming on the breaks, I dislike this. The weather matches my mood right now. Its so strange looking back at what things were like a year ago, I've grown up so much, met so many new people and learnt so much. However when it comes to this whole 'new year , new start' malarky I think its a load of rubbish. You can change in a year, but just because its a new year doesn't mean things will automatically be amazing. I really don't know where I'm going with this. I just think that it was silly of me to think that 2010 would bring change so early. Hmm


Leave me alone.
Sometimes I think that I read too much into the birds. Somehow I find significance in their actions. I think too much.

Wednesday 20 January 2010


I'm choosing to write on here because i know nobody reads this, yesterday a sort of relationship ended, well not a relationship, somebody that i took a fancy to and i decided there wasn't much point going any further. I was fine with it overall, but now i've become lonely, not because of this particular person but because i've realised being single really does suck. I've never had a proper relationship, all the previous 'boyfriends' or 'boys i've been seeing' haven't been real relationships. I just want something that lasts, that makes me happy, that works.

Saturday 9 January 2010

nobody reads this so i'm just going to post this, i need to vent. I hate the fact that i have hardly any girl mates that have the same interests as me, don't get me wrong i love my friends, but it would be nice to have a few more that have more i have things in common with.


About Me

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Hannah Louise Saunders, Peterborough.