Monday 12 April 2010

even more broke than i was before. great.

fuck money, i wish it didnt exist.

Sunday 11 April 2010

i hate my job, the people that i work with are lovely but the corporation that i am working for, i despise. i have been working there since october now and i hate myself for it. i feel as if i am a hypocrite, a walking contradiction. i try to make a difference there, encourage them to recycle and be more considerate and open minded, but nothing works. in a way i want to stay there and try make them change but i know they won't, they are too concerned about money to care about the damage they do to the earth. so my search for a new job begins tommorow,  i hope i can find somewhere else, somewhere that isn't soul destroing perhaps. also, on the subject, when i find a new job (if i find a new job) i am going to attempt to give up eggs, milk, etc. i want to be free of guilt and work somewhere that is productive, not destructive.
it's strange how we only really realise how good things are, when they are gone.
i spend so much of my time looking back at the past and thinking how i wish i'd just relaxed and enjoyed myself.
i was laying in bed with a friend on wednesday and he showed me this little postsecret book, one of the postcards said something that made me think all this. i want to be able to look back on my life and think i made the most of every day.

Friday 2 April 2010

i'm happy for you, i'm jealous of you
time and age are not real, they simply enable us to measure how long we have left until we die.


About Me

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Hannah Louise Saunders, Peterborough.